Simulating Differences Between Video Signal Superimposers and Digital Optical Transceivers

1, the signal multiplexer on the optical network high-definition transmission method is not the same
Wang Wensheng, imitating the optical signal multiplexer transmitted by an optical transceiver on an optical transceiver, imitating an optical modulation multiplexer, which causes an optical signal multiplexer to fluctuate, frequency, and phase with an input of an analog carrier signal multiplexer. Changes and Alienations are called AM, FM, and PM. The optical signal multiplexer transmitted by the optical head of the digital optical transceiver is a digital signal multiplexer, that is, a strong or weak condition of a 0 or 1 corresponding optical signal multiplexer, and different combinations of 0 and 1 represent video signals superimposed with different waveforms. Multiplexer, audio, and data signal multiplexers.

2. Imitation signal multiplexer network HD transmission input and output processing methods are not the same

Regardless of analog, digital optical transceivers, it is necessary to handle the input baseband video signal superimposer, audio, and data signal multiplexers. Regarding to mimic the amplitude modulation optical end machine, the disposal method is to modulate the high frequency carrier signal multiplexer by the fluctuation of the video signal superimposer, audio and data, so that the high frequency carrier signal multiplexer fluctuates with the video signal superimposer, audio and data. The fluctuating changes change; while the digital optical transceiver performs high-resolution analog-to-digital conversion of the input baseband video signal superimposer, audio, and data, such as a 1Vp-p fluctuating amplitude multiplexer using 12-bit digital signals. The multiplexer indicates that the 1V equal division is 4096, so the maximum voltage fluctuation caused by the module change is 1/4096V (about 2.5mV). This error voltage is called the quantization error voltage, and the voltage of various fluctuations is from 0V. The digits corresponding to the 1/4096V, 2/4096V... maximum 1V separation are 000000000000, 000000000001, 000000000010...111111111111. The digital coded signal multiplexer directly controls the strong and weak conditions (corresponding to 0 or 1) of the optical signal multiplexer transmitted by the optical head, accepts the optical transceiver and then digitally encodes the digital-analogue, and recovers the original baseband video signal. Superimposer, audio, data signal multiplexer.

3, the processing method is not the same, resulting in the video signal superimposer, audio, data signal multiplexer multiplexer distortion, distortion, interference is not the same

Because the analog optical transceiver is used for amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation, whether the fluctuation of the analog multiplexer and the fluctuation of the carrier signal multiplexer due to modulation, frequency, or phase change is not a one-to-one linear connection change. In order to become the key to the quality of optical transceivers, until now, it is difficult to achieve true linear modulation, non-linear distortion will inevitably lead to signal multiplexer; together with a good modulated carrier signal multiplexer also modulated optical multiplexer, optical The nonlinearity of the signal multiplexer is also a very important factor. As we all know, the non-linearity of the optical equipment and the change of the ambient temperature, the stability of the operating voltage, and the light emission power have a great influence, so the optical equipment needs to be produced 7 - 10 days of thermal cycle aging, etc. Skill selection, aging, and quiz can only be managed on a certain scale.

Optical signal multiplexers transmit in high-definition networks over long-haul networks in optical fibers, which can cause optical signal multiplexers to attenuate their power. The high-definition transmission frequency drift and phase distortion of the network can also cause optical signal multiplexers with the same dispersion effect of optical multiplexers. Distortion; optical signal multiplexer arrives at the receiving end, and the optical device still needs to cause non-linear distortion, and the simulated signal multiplexer after photoelectric conversion enters the demodulation. The same distortion and modulation will cause nonlinear distortion. Therefore, in order to sum up the simulation of optical transceivers, the five processes from input signal multiplexer modulation to electro-optical switching to optical output to optical-to-electrical conversion and demodulation will all lead to non-linear distortion, and these signal multiplexer distortion distortions are inherent, so they must be determined. Can not be eliminated, so imitate the role of the optical transmission network video transmission signal superimposer image, audio quality, data, it is difficult to reach a very satisfactory role. The digital optical transceiver only has a modulo error (such as 2.5mv for a 1V video signal superimposer 12bits), which is not enough to cause the signal multiplexer to be distorted.

4. Intermodulation distortion caused by simultaneous transmission of multiplex signal multiplexers

In the field of HD transmission monitoring, users may have a variety of signal multiplexers, such as video signal overlays, audio, data, Ethernet, telephone, or other user-defined signal multiplexers, each of which is multiplexed. The device uses a pair of optical transceivers to transmit high-definition data over the network. It must be quoted expensively. Therefore, in order to increase the power of the optical fiber and reduce the cost, it is necessary to multiplex various signal multiplexers in the optical transceiver so that they can be used on a pair of optical fibers. Network HD transmission. For frequency modulation, amplitude modulation and phase modulation optical transceivers, high-speed signal multiplexers such as network high-definition transmission 10/100M Ethernet signal multiplexers or multi-channel telephones are difficult to implement, and multiplexed video signal superimposers or audio signals can be recovered. Mixing frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, and phase modulation on a certain carrier will inevitably lead to various mirroring and intermodulation disturbances. Therefore, there are no shortage of many well-known foreign brands of FM, AM, phase-modulated optical multi-channel video signal superimposers, audio, and data that often present disturbing appearances. These unstable appearances have been imitating modulation techniques for a long time. Problems and deficiencies that have always been inherent and difficult to solve. Therefore, imitating the limited capacity of Optical Multiplexer high-definition transmission signal multiplexers, usually does not exceed the 4-way signal multiplexer simultaneous transmission. The digital optical network high-definition transmission is a digital signal multiplexer, which is very simple to carry out large-capacity multiplexing and does not appear to disturb each other. Such as Shenzhen Nanhua Weiye Technology Co., Ltd. Akita AEO's all-digital optical transceivers, can complete up to 128 video signal superimposer, audio, data, Ethernet, telephone in the same fiber on the network high-definition transmission without any intermodulation interference.

5, the stability is not the same

Imitating the Modulation Optical Transceiver Because adopting the carrier modulation method, the inclusion of the optical head is very easy to be affected by the ambient temperature. Defects in the quality of network HD transmissions that change as the environment changes. Because of this defect, the protection of optical transceivers has become a headache for some large-scale and important projects, which has also caused great dissatisfaction for many contractors or owners. Therefore, the use of digital optical transceivers for some important projects is a correct choice.

6, the offer is not the same

Because the architecture is not the same, the price of imitating optical transceivers and digital optical transceivers is slightly different. Generally speaking, single-channel video signal superimposers, audio, and data digital optical transceivers offer slightly higher prices than single optical imitators, and four or more video signal superimposers. Digital, optical, and digital optical transceivers are much cheaper than analog optical transceivers, and video signal superimposers used in high-definition network transmissions are far more effective than analog products. Therefore, the cost performance of digital optical transceivers is higher than that of analog optical transceivers.

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