Basic knowledge of fluorine and its compounds

Source: China Safety Production Network Add Time: 2010-3-25 11:27:03

Fluoride is one of the important trace elements in the human body. A small amount of fluorine can promote the resistance of tooth enamel to bacterial acid corrosion and prevent dental caries. Therefore, water treatment plants generally add a small amount of fluorine to tap water and drinking water.
Fluorine and its compounds are widely used in industrial and agricultural production, such as aluminum and phosphate fertilizers, steel, pesticides, chemicals, fluorine-containing plastics and rubber, and uranium refining.
However, frequent exposure to low concentrations of fluoride may cause "industrial fluorosis." Severe cases can oppress nerves due to skeletal deformities, affecting life and work ability.

Classification of occupational hazards - chemical substances (23) fluorine and its compounds

1. Possible occupational diseases: industrial fluorosis

2.25 examples of industries: (1) Building materials and other non-metallic mining and mining industries: chemical mining, drilling, artillery mining, loading, transportation, backfilling, support, mining assistance, crushing, screening, grinding, Re-election, beneficiation aid

(2) Wood processing industry: wood preservation

(3) Oil and gas exploration industry: underground maintenance

(4) Petroleum processing industry: delayed coking, alkylation addition

(5) Inorganic acid manufacturing: fluoroboric acid synthesis, hydrofluoric acid synthesis, phosphoric acid synthesis... >> more

Understand the harm of fluoride to the body

Industrial fluorosis is a systemic disease characterized by bone turnover due to long-term exposure to excessive amounts of inorganic fluoride during work. Fluoride and its compounds enter the body mainly through the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract in the form of gas and dust, and hydrofluoric acid can absorb a part through the skin. Frequent exposure to low concentrations of fluoride can cause chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and dental erosion. Fluoride is the main cause of chronic fluorosis and endemic fluorosis. Generally, the bones are damaged first and the bones are accumulated later. In the late stage of fluorosis, there are often chronic cough, back and lower limb pain, osteosclerosis, tendon, ligament calcification and joint capsule hypertrophy, bone hyperplasia, joint deformation and so on. In addition, some of the enzyme systems required for the body's metabolic processes are destroyed, leading to multiple organ lesions.

Dental fluorosis: tooth deformity, softening, enamel tarnish, yellowing;
Bone fluorosis: The bones become thick and soft, osteoporosis, and easy to fracture.

Assessment of industrial fluorosis disability grade and labor capacity loss

First, the elbow joint stiffness (or contracture) is fixed in the non-functional position, or the joint is severely unstable, unable to complete its functional activities, assessing the level of disability, completely losing the ability to work.

Second, the lower limbs or knees, the ankle joint function is completely lost, or the function of the double wrist is completely lost, the second grade of the injured is evaluated, and the labor ability is completely lost. ...... >> more

Industrial fluorosis diagnostic criteria

1 Scope

This standard specifies the diagnostic criteria and treatment principles for industrial fluorosis.

This standard applies to the diagnosis and treatment of industrial fluorosis.

2 Diagnostic principles

According to the close occupational contact history and bone X-ray changes, with reference to clinical symptoms and laboratory tests, comprehensive analysis should be carried out to rule out other diseases before diagnosis.

3 observation objects

The bone density was within the normal range, the trabecular bone was slightly thickened, and the bone circumference was slightly changed. >> more

Precautions and protective points for hydrofluoric acid

Respiratory protection: Wear self-priming filter respirators (full face masks) or air respirators when exposed to smoke. Oxygen breathing apparatus is recommended for emergency rescue or evacuation.

Eye protection: Protected from respiratory protection.

Body protection: Wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing.

Hand protection: Wear rubber acid and alkali resistant gloves.

Other protection: Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited at the job site. After work, take a shower. Store clothes contaminated with poisons separately and wash them for later use. Maintain good hygiene practices. >> more

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