Farming fertilizer pest treatment method

Chicken and duck manure will be flattened, dried and simmered. Mix 1 kg of 3% methyl isoflavone granules per cubic meter. Mix well and pile up into a truncated cone shape. Use mud paste to flatten, 15~20 It can be applied in days.
Cattle and sheep manure Fresh beef and sheep manure are mixed with 30% grass ash, then spread to 10 cm thick and spray 1 kg of liquid per square meter. Preparation of liquid medicine: the ratio of water, phoxim and carbendazim is 100:0.2:0.3.
Human pig manure When the human pig manure is dried to half dry, it is piled up in a round table shape of 50 cm high. It is flattened with mud paste, and several infiltration holes are inserted into the top with wooden sticks, the hole depth is 40 cm, and then filled with liquid medicine. Preparation of liquid medicine: the ratio of water to trichlorfon is 200:1.
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KS B1503 Flanges

KS B1503 Flanges JIS/KS B1503 flanges are steel pipe flanges (hereafter referred to as "flanges")of nominal sizes 10 A to 1500 A for nominal pressures 5K, 10K, 10K light type, 16K, 20K, 30K, 40K and 63K which are used to join parts for piping, such as steel pipes and valves used for ordinary piping pressure piping , high pressure piping , high temperature piping , alloy steel piping and stainless steel piping for steam, air, gas, water, oil, etc.

KS B1503 Flanges,KS Standard Flanges,Carbon Steel KS Flanges,16K KS B1503 Flanges

Shandong Zhongnuo Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. ,