Topdressing in greenhouse vegetables in winter

Winter greenhouse vegetables are mainly based on topdressing, but in this season, topdressing is different from other seasons.

There is a difference in the purpose of top dressing

In the spring and autumn, vegetables are in a vigorous growth stage, and the purpose of top dressing is to further promote plant growth. Most of the vegetables in the winter are in the middle and late growth stages. Due to the large amount of fruit, the nutrient consumption of the plants is too much, the growth is weak, and even premature aging occurs. In this case, the purpose of top dressing is mainly to enhance the growth of the plants, promote the expansion of the fruit, and avoid the root system. Aging, leaf senescence, premature senescence of plants.

Different amount of topdressing

With the arrival of winter, the outside temperature gradually decreased, and the ground temperature in the shed also decreased. For vegetables, the growth of stems and leaves of vegetables decreased, the photosynthesis and transpiration decreased, the root activity decreased, and the water absorption capacity decreased. . This is obviously different from the spring and autumn season when the temperature and ground temperature are more suitable for vegetable growth. Therefore, when topdressing in winter, it is necessary to change the practice of watering and fertilizing a lot.

Different types of fertilizer

In spring and autumn, the temperature is high and the ground temperature is also high. The effect of general compound fertilizer on vegetable roots is not obvious. In winter, because the temperature and ground temperature are lower, and the general compound fertilizer dissolves into the water, the water temperature will be further reduced. After the application, not only will the ground temperature drop, but also the root system of the vegetable, and the nutrient utilization rate of the compound fertilizer is low. In the winter topdressing, all water-soluble fertilizers and functional fertilizers should be used as the main fertilizer for topdressing.
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