The difference between common control drugs in crops

Chlormequat, paclobutrazol, and ketamine are all different from the same: they are growth retardants, which slow down the crop, but do not affect cell division. All three are gibberellin antagonists; It does not have exogenous properties; it does not inhibit the meristematic tissues at the top, and mainly inhibits lateral buds and stems. The necessary conditions for the application of the three are that the water and fertilizer conditions must be good, so that the effect will be more significant.

Different points: chlormequat is a base amine salt, which is widely used, such as cotton, vegetables, etc., and is mostly used in the flowering result period of crops; paclobutrazol belongs to triazoles, has strong bactericidal properties, and is mostly used in crop seedling stage, and has good effect on peanuts. However, it is not obvious for autumn-winter crops; chlormequat is prone to phytotoxicity and does not mix with alkaline; ketamine is mild, not susceptible to phytotoxicity, acid-alkaline can be compounded; It has phytotoxicity and is generally used in wheat, legumes, and herbaceous crops.
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