Solar heating_passive solar heating_indoor human thermal comfort index

Solar heating _ _ passive solar heating indoor thermal comfort index

     Indoor thermal comfort index can be determined based on six parameters, of which 4 full environmental parameters, namely air temperature, air humidity, air velocity, mean radiant temperature environmental surfaces and two subjective parameters, namely the amount of human activity and clothing thermal resistance. International standard IS07730 to Fanger's thermal comfort Professor Fang Cheng curtain theoretical basis, the above-mentioned six factors as PMV, then contact not satisfied with the rate of PPD, PMV-PPD thermal environment to form quality indicators: satisfaction rate from the human sense of self Survey statistics. Thermal comfort PMV value may be measured, (B & K Company Denmark 1212 thermal comfort meter) but also the first four measured values of environmental factors, combined with the strength and activity of human clothing. Calculated using the thermal comfort equation.

Indoor thermal comfort quality indicators are based on different functional buildings or spaces of use. Health building in the outpatient department, ward, different examination rooms, as well as auxiliary buildings have different requirements, the requirements should be for clothing and activity status of the human body depends on which course of treatment or examination, for example, when the room temperature is not naked Should be lower than 25~C , the air flow rate should be less than o . 1m / s . From the perspective of mental productivity, the temperature is the highest at 25 degrees, below 18 degrees or above 28 degrees, the working efficiency will drop sharply, only 50 % at 35 degrees , only 30 % at 10t . According to the 2000 social survey, many families, especially young people, set the summer temperature to 24-26~C , and the winter room temperature to 20'E . This shows that human demand for thermal comfort is constantly improving. Considering the benefits of thermal environment quality and energy consumption costs, the building thermal environment quality standards can be divided into two levels, namely primary and secondary. A standard (comfort standard) conditions for summer and winter indoor temperature is (26 ~ 28 ~ E and) 18 - 20t.

Maintaining indoor comfort in winter relies mainly on heating. The ideal solar heating method is low temperature heating, uniform heating, radiant heating and ground heating, while maintaining a constant room temperature and controlling room temperature amplitude. Passive solar heating in a manner equivalent Portions of radiant heating, and therefore is the ideal way of heating. In addition, maintaining indoor comfort requires measures or facilities to increase or decrease humidity , and to negotiate and control air flow rates.

Indoor cleansing feet do not or eliminate as much as possible the harmful substances that directly and indirectly affect human health in the artificial environment created. In fact, it is very difficult to do it at all, so the specific approach is to control the safety content.


This article is provided by solar photovoltaic power generation, solar street lamp manufacturer , Magnesium Shuanglian Solar Factory

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