First, kitchen
Kitchen changes usually cost a lot of money. The money-saving Raiders recommends replacing laminates with laminates, that is, adjusting the laminate on the wall, pulling it up when it is not in use, or saving it when not in use. This can save space and save money. Funds, wooden cabinets at least 5,000 yuan.
Second, balcony
In order to save money on the balcony decoration, it is best not to extrapolate, direct use of plants, the ground can be laid waterproof wood floors, add up to spend 10,000 yuan at most, not only save money and beautiful.
Third, the study
The study space is an area of ​​infrequent activities in new houses. The method of saving money is to use ready-made furniture as furnishings, such as ready-made CDs, and good-looking storage functions. When buying furniture, small things like the store can ask for, you can save some of the renovation costs.
Money decoration
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