Daylily (also known as day lily) is highly adaptable and can be planted on clay, sand, and alfalfa all year round. In order to obtain high yields of day lily, the following points should be grasped in cultivation management.
First, planting at the right time. From late October to early November, the climate is suitable, the light is weak, the plant survival rate is high, and the planting is best.
Second, the selection of good varieties. It is mainly composed of mid-early maturity Mayflower, which is high-yield, high-quality and strong in resistance. It can also be mixed with a small number of mid-late maturing varieties Jingzhou flower, long-nosed flower and fine leaf flower.
Third, fertilization and tillage. Daylily is a perennial crop that is replanted 10-15 years after planting. Therefore, it is especially important to apply sufficient base fertilizer after planting. Generally, 667 square meters of high-quality soil and fertilizer 5,000 kg, potassium sulfate 20-25 kg, and deep tillage, depth 30-35 cm. When planting, such as poor soil moisture, pay attention to watering, 667 square meters and then apply 12 kg of diammonium phosphate, 6 kg of potassium sulfate or 667 square meters of cooked cake fertilizer 55 kg, applied to the planting ditch.
Fourth, planting methods. 1 large and small clusters, large line spacing 115 cm, small line spacing 82 cm, the hole distance is about 45 cm, 667 square meters planted around 1500 clumps. Four seedlings were planted at the four corners of each square, and the distance between the plants was 15-20 cm. 2 line spacing planting, line spacing 92 cm, hole distance 45-50 cm, 667 square meters planted 1400-1600 clumps. Each hole is planted in the same size and clustering method.
Fifth, seedling treatment. 1 Trimming seedlings: The upper and lower parts of the seedlings should be trimmed, and the black pedicles that shorten the lower layer of the stems are required to be removed. Cut the enlarged spindle root on the fleshy root to 5-7 cm and remove the decaying root. Then cut the seedling leaves in the upper part of the shortened stem by 6-7 cm and remove the remaining leaves. 2 Infusion of the drug: The seeded seedlings are placed in a 50% methyl thiophanate WP 1000 times solution or a 40% carbendazim suspension 800 times solution for 10 minutes, and then dried and dried. Planted. When planting seedlings, they should be planted according to the classification of large and medium-sized and small-sized seedlings. This will not only improve the uniformity of the field, but also facilitate field management and promote the balance of seedlings.
Sixth, planting depth. Generally, it is suitable for 10-12 cm. The sandy loam soil can be properly deeper. The clay loam can be lighter. The general requirement is to plant the short stem top of the seedling into the soil 2-3 cm, and the exposed seedling 4-5 cm high.
Seven, field management. After 2-3 years of planting, the roots should be well protected every year. The soil and water should be paid more attention to the soil, and pay attention to the application of sprouting fertilizer, stimulating fertilizer, stimulating fertilizer and autumn leaf fertilizer. In the spring before the emergence of shallow cultivating, 10-18 kg of urea per 667 square meters, and watering, to promote spring seedlings early and thick, called seedling fertilizer. The flowering buds are ploughed in shallow cultivating, and each 667 square meters of ternary compound fertilizer is applied at 15 kilograms, which promotes the convulsions of thick branches and early buds, which is called stimulating fertilizer. During the harvest period, 18 kg of compound fertilizer is applied to 1/15 hectare, which can reduce the loss of buds and prolong the picking period, which is called increasing bud fertilizer. The twitching of the flowering hay will cause the buds to reduce production, and timely irrigation should be carried out to increase the yield. 1 water every 7-10 days in the spring, keep the soil dry and wet. Spraying 20 mg/L of 2.4-D. or 400 mg of ferric molybdate during flowering has the effect of preventing falling buds. During the harvest period, water is poured every 3-5 days to keep the soil moist.
Eight, timely harvest. The flower buds are picked too early, not only the yield is reduced, but also the color after processing is black, which affects the appearance quality of the dried products. From the time when the flower buds are taken to the time before processing, it continues to grow. The oversized flower buds may gradually open at this time, and the flower buds are too open to reduce the quality of the dried products. Therefore, it is not too late to pick. It is generally preferred to pick it up in 1-2 hours before starting flowering. When picking, it should be light and delicate, with flower pedicles, without stalks, without damaging flowers, without damaging the young buds, and harvested sequentially.
Nine, promote winter seedlings. From autumn to winter, the daylily garden will sprout green winter seedlings. The stronger the winter seedlings grow, the more organic nutrients are produced and accumulated. In the coming year, the winter seedlings will grow faster and stronger. In order to promote the winter seedlings to be strong, the winter seedlings should be re-applied once when the winter seedlings are germinated, with 250-350 kilograms of human excrement per 667 square meters or with 8-10 kilograms of urea drenched with water.
Ten, Qingyuan disease prevention. Qingyuan disinfection can reduce the disease in the coming year. The method is: collecting all the weeds, deciduous and diseased plants in the daylily and surrounding areas and burning them; spraying 2-3 times of stone sulphur mixture, or spraying 25-40 kilograms of quicklime in 667 square meters of daylily, the species蔸 and soil disinfection have a good effect. In the early stage of autumn seedlings, insist on spraying 0.5% rust sodium and 0.1% washing powder every 5-10 days, or 0.5 wave of sulphur sulphur mixture 2-3 times to kill pests such as overwintering bacteria and red spiders. The number of overwintering pests.
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