Generally speaking. Soil compaction and salinization are mainly caused by the large-scale application of chemical fertilizers, neglecting the application of organic fertilizers, resulting in soil fertility decline, lack of organic matter, and thus the soil permeability is reduced. Therefore, in response to the problems raised by vegetable farmers, it is necessary to supplement organic matter, improve the utilization rate of fertilizers, and reduce the loss of nutrients.
First, organic fertilizer and fertilizer are mixed and applied. Apply organic fertilizer, choose chicken manure, pig manure and so on. However, it must be noted that chicken manure or pig manure must be fully decomposed before use, so as to avoid burning roots or causing pests and diseases. However, organic fertilizer should not be applied continuously, and should be used in combination with chemical fertilizers. It can be mixed or applied by means of rotation.
Secondly, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer, and choose the full water-soluble quick-acting fertilizer for flushing. Fully water-soluble quick-acting fertilizer, with full nutrient content, high content, low dosage and high utilization rate. Under normal circumstances, about 8-10 kg per acre can be applied.
Once again, add biological fertilizer. The biological bacterial fertilizer has the effect of relieving phosphorus and potassium. Although its nutrient content is small, it can release the fixed phosphorus and potassium in the soil for the absorption and utilization of vegetables, which can play a role in degrading salt damage and promoting plant growth.
Of course, due to repeated plantings in successive years, the lack of trace elements in the soil is also an important manifestation of soil deterioration in recent years. Therefore, when adopting the above measures, attention should also be paid to selecting a rooting agent that can activate the soil and strengthen the roots.
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