Corn field comprehensive weed control method

Strengthening quarantine Before the spring sowing, summer sowing or wheat seeding of corn, it is necessary to select seeds and remove the weed seeds mixed in the corn seeds.

Deep-turning the soil Before the sowing of corn, the unearthed weeds are turned over to eliminate the weeds in the topsoil, which can make the grass seeds lose their vitality.

Reasonable rotation In the traditional winter wheat------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a reasonable rotation is carried out, it will be able to effectively reduce the above weeds by changing the spring corn--winter wheat--summer corn two-year ripening.

Field removal During the growth of corn seedlings, the farmland environment is regularly cleaned and the weeds in the fields or fields are manually removed.

Chemical weeding Before planting corn field, use 20% gram of trace water 150-200 ml per acre, or 10~ glyphosate water 500-1000 ml, spray on weed leaves after water. After corn sowing, pre-seed soil treatment, using 33% of field-based emulsifiable concentrate 200-250 ml per acre, or 50% acetochlor emulsifiable concentrate 100-150 ml, or 50% chlorpyrifos-free wettable powder 150-200 g, Spray water and treat the soil. After the corn seedlings are treated with stems and leaves, 72% butyl emulsifiable concentrate per acre is applied to the water at 4 to 6 leaf stage, and the weeds are 5 to 15 cm high.

Source: Farmers Daily Author: Tang Jia
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