Ball screw features

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Ball screw features

Source: Bearing network time: 2014-03-18

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First, the ball screw is a small collision due to rollover touch, sensitive to the input and can be precise; therefore, it can precisely control small movements. The sliding screw is reversed and heavier if the axial clearance becomes smaller; but the ball is The steel ball of the bar and the screw groove are touched by the point; therefore, even if the preloading condition is completed, the oil sliding action can be completed.
Second, the ball screw is selected for various thickness of the gasket; can be precisely adjusted for the preload of the two nuts; pick the appropriate preload simple to get high steel. Other; select a single nut can complete without play situation.
Third, the ball screw is due to the quenching and hardening treatment on the surface of the entire tumbling; wear. 鼙 3 跗诘 跗诘 龋豢 猿て谑褂 猿て谑褂.

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