Applying calcium deficiency fertilizer during soybean growth period

Symptoms of calcium deficiency In the soybean seedling stage, calcium deficiency occurs, a large number of dark spots appear at the base of the embryo, yellow leaves appear at the edge of the embryo, the top buds are necrotic, and the cotyledons become thick and curled. The leaves of the primary leaves contract, the leaves are cupped, and dark spots appear at the tip of the leaves. Calcium deficiency within 1 month before flowering causes blue spots on the edges of the base three leaves, the leaves are dark green, the whole leaf spots are densely wrinkled, and the wood parts of the stem are softened. Calcium deficiency in the pod stage, yellowish green leaves, with red or lavender, dark green or brownish green, with markings, delayed leaf detachment. Calcium-deficient plants are weak and prone to disease.

Causes of calcium deficiency in soils that are acidic, sandy, and lacking in organic fertilizers.

Remedy Applying lime to calcium-depleted acidic soil and applying gypsum on yellow pan-lime alluvial soil have significant yield-increasing effects. Calcium fertilizer can be used as a base fertilizer, but it can also be applied at the early flowering stage. Alkaline lime should be applied to acidic soils, generally 15 to 25 kg per acre. It is advisable to use physiological alkaline fertilizer gypsum on saline-alkali soil and calcareous soil, generally 20 to 30 kg per mu.

Author: He Yongmei Luo Guangyao
Source: Farmers Daily
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